Friday, July 30, 2010

How I Spend My Summer Vacation Part 1

As this summer winds down to a sad, but sure end, I thought that I would give an attempt at recapping all of my nomadic journeys and put them into a couple posts. As I have taken quite a few pictures and been quite a few places, I thought the easiest way to do this would be to break it up into months. So...we begin with June. Ahh, June. Such a sweet month. A month where the whole summer is before you, there is no end in sight. Jeez...such naive awesomeness... Let us begin.

June begins with an end...the end of school! I posted towards the end of May, maybe it was beginning of June...not sure, about how bittersweet it was to let go of my seniors graduating. I was also able to go to Northwest Guilford's graduation. These were my FIRST kids! They were the ones that welcomed me into my classroom and truly initiated me as a teacher. So the last picture you will see is of my fabulous OSTE (on-site teacher educator) and one of my favorite students, Allie. I was lucky enough to stay in touch with several of my awesome students and it was a wonderful feeling to see them moving on to the next step in their life. What a bittersweet feeling! The next week my kids at Rockingham County graduated. Here are a few pics of my kiddies!

Sweet Girls above...Bridgett, Amanda, me, and Brooke
These girls were in my 2nd and 4th period senior classes

These are my 'first period' boys
They were in the first class I ever taught at RCHS

Me, Mrs. Julian, and Allie
Mrs. Julian was my rock during student teaching and Allie
is one of my sweet students I've been fortunate enough
to stay in touch with

It really is crazy to think about how attached you get to things with your job. I get attached to students, my classroom, my colleagues, and in a way...the school itself. Even though I needed a break, trusttt me, I also was kind of, just a weeeeee bit sad to leave...this feeling was quickly diminished as soon as I took a left out of the school parking lot. Haha, jk...kind of :)

Right after I finished up with graduation, making and grading exams, finalizing all my students semester grades, getting my classroom clean and hopefully organized for the start of this year, I headed over to Raleigh to visit my dear friend Kelly and her husband (also my dear friend) Matt. They were kind enough to let me visit and then drive me to the airport because I was heading to Cali baby!!

This is where I'll stop with part 1. California deserves its own post and that it will get!! Needless to say, the beginning of June was great and it ended even better :)

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The House

Every time I walk to my bedroom, I look in the room that used to be my grandmother's bedroom.  I look for her bed and her laying in it ...