Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week Pics - 4/2-4/7 (Spring Breakin' It)

Well, as written before, this has been a lovely week.  I spent the first part of my spring break down in Atlanta visiting Casey, and then I came back up to the mountains to finish my break in Motown.  I have been very spoiled by the laziness that has ensued.  Also, my mom has cooked for me...going to definitely miss that.

Tomorrow it's back to the grind.  I'm fortunate that the workweek is starting off with a workday.  Ease into the pain of reality.  Part of me is excited to see my kids and finish out this last stretch...the other part, well, it would rather stay in Morganton.  Alas, summer will be here soon and there is much to look forward to!  Wednesday marks 2 months til we get to meet little baby Stevens (i.e. my cutie pie niece or nephew).  This upcoming weekend is a birthday reunion of my best friends, so I have a lot to be excited about and that's what I'm holding on to!

Here was my week - sorry for some repeat pics!!

I tried (tried being the key word there) to work on some school work....

Spring Break Love!  I love Hank!

Woodstock with Case!

Sweet time spent with Journi 

Beautiful walk at Greenway - one of my favorite Motown spots

First cookout of the year!  Dad grilled out steaks and they were DELISH!

Finished a fabulous book and started this one - so far, so good!

Yesterday was mom and dad's 28th (!) wedding anniversary! Dad got mom some pretty miniature roses to plant when it gets a little warmer. 

What is a break without some crafting?  Granny helped me make a super cute diaper cake for Meg's next shower.

Muff and Me hanging

Gonna miss hanging out with Muffy all day!

All in all, great break.  Ready for summer...spring break is kind of a tease for that!  Hope everyone has a fab week!

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The House

Every time I walk to my bedroom, I look in the room that used to be my grandmother's bedroom.  I look for her bed and her laying in it ...