Sunday, June 28, 2015

Late June Update

Since I wrote last, I've began summer, watched sweet students graduate, celebrated two little nephews' birthdays, been to the beach, said goodbye to my RCHS classroom, moved all my teaching stuff into my new classroom, driven here and there and here, finalized summer plans, baked 2 two-tiered cakes and my first officially purchased cake, and welcomed the newest member of our family! WHEW.  Let's break it down...

1. RCHS Class of 2015 Graduates - This was an especially bittersweet graduation because I knew it would be my last one as a faculty member of RCHS.  It was also special because this group holds a large chunk of my heart.  Every class is special to me for one reason or another, but there were several kids in this class that wrangled my heart in and never let go.  It was a beautiful, albeit HOT, day.  The kids were great and it was a wonderful celebration of all their accomplishments and hard work.  I pray that they always show God's love and He goes with them in all of their many different directions.

2. BIRTHDAY FUN! - June is starting to become the BIRTHDAY MONTH!  Two of my cousins, two of my nephews, and we just added another new date to celebrate with Saylir being born!

On the 20th, we partied and had a great time celebrating Thad turning TWO!  His birthday was actually the 21st, but we got to partay a day early.  Megan did a fantastic job with getting everything together.  Thad had a jungle themed party and it was super cute!  He ran around, splashed in the pool, opened tons of gifts, and enjoyed the sunshine!

This past weekend, I was able to help celebrate one of my other "nephews", Wyatt.  His first birthday was a huge success!  He is precious.  My favorite part was his "smash cake".  Because of some digestive issues, Matt and Kelly decided to make a non-dairy whip cream substitute.  He loved it!  It's been so much fun to see him grow and learn over the past year!

3. CAKES - I was honored to make both Thad and Wyatt's birthday cakes for their parties this year.  I took a Wilton class back in February and liked it so much, I decided to take another one in May.  It's been a lot of fun!  I enjoy being creative and looking for new ideas.  I will say that it's a hard thing to do with being a perfectionist!  I think both cakes turned out cute!

In addition to those cakes, one of my former students contacted me about making a cake for her daughter's birthday.  So I've had my first official paid cake!!  I hope that sweet Ky likes it next weekend!

4. Moving Classes - During the last week of school, in the midst of testing and wrapping up usual school stuff, I packed up almost all of my classroom.  One never realizes how much stuff...and by stuff, I mean crap...that they accumulate over the span of seven years.  I threw away two HUGE bags of trash and still had a full truck and car load.

It was, again, bittersweet.  Sifting through papers, projects, lessons, notes, and pictures from the past seven years.  It reinforced how wonderful the first part of my career has been.  I've enjoyed Rockingham so much and adore all the people who have blessed and enriched my life.

Walking into my new room was exciting!  However, there are so many things to do to get ready for this upcoming school year.  I pray for calm nerves as I begin this new journey!

5. Family Beach Trip (#1) - The Barrier's and the Outer Banks go together like sea and sand.  We've been going there since I was 2. a long time.  My aunt and uncle rented a house a couple weeks ago and were kind enough to ask if I would like to come stay!  I was thrilled.  I hadn't been to Cape Hatteras in several years.  It hasn't changed.  Beautiful.  Quiet.  Peaceful.  The house was perfect and right on the beach.  No shark attacks...but we were on high alert!!

6. Saylir Raine Roland - Our family has been blessed again!  My sweet cousin, Katy, had her third daughter yesterday (6/27/15).  Saylir is beautiful!  I haven't gotten to meet her yet, but from her pictures, she is an absolute doll baby!  I'm so thankful for a safe delivery and for Saylir to grow up in such a wonderful home!  I haven't met Saylir yet, so I don't have pics to share, but I will have and post some soon :)

Anticipating a very busy July.  Trips to Alabama, back to the Outer Banks, Georgia, DC, Philly, and NY!  Not to mention, packing up my current residence and moving to Winston!!  It's going to be a busy, but fun summer.

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The House

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