Sunday, August 9, 2015

Allllllll Over - July in a Nutshell

During the month of July, I was able to visit 6 different states and spend time with lots of loved ones!  I'm going to try to be brief - and also make a longer post out of my DC/PA/NYC trip at some point!

1. Birmingham - I was so excited to fly down and visit my former teacher, mentor, and fabulous friend, Spring McKinney.  She moved down to Bham around this time last year and it's the first time I've been able to visit.  We had a wonderful time!  We shopped around, fixed up her classroom, talked long into the evening, and just spend some excellent quality time together.  I teared up when I she left me at the airport.  It's always hard leaving!

It was also a treat to get to see my sweet little McKinney's!  They're growing up TOO fast!!

2. Barrier Beach Trip - My mom surprised my sister and me with an impromptu beach trip!  We (my mom, dad, sister, and me) haven't been to the Outer Banks together in almost 8 years!!  It was a welcome trip.  The best thing was seeing Thad experience the beach - especially one that is so special to our family.  He loved the water, sand, and birds!  I hope we can go again next summer and continue the tradition. 

3. Georgia on my Mind - One of the trips I always look forward to each summer is the week I spend with Case.  The past several years, I always try to schedule a week or so down visiting and Case is always gracious enough to let me come!  We spent time eating, talking, shopping, decorating, singing, and of course snuggle time with Brooks!!  

4. SHANIA freaking TWAIN - Oh man.  Let me tell you.  I have loved Shania Twain since I was a little girl.  Growing up, my sister and I sang allllll of her songs alllll of the time!  On my birthday, my sister and mom surprised me with SHANIA tickets!  I was absolutely GIDDY and drunk with excitement.  I sang, I danced, I cried, and laughed, and I had a fantastic time.  I am so glad I was able to experience the concert with my mom and sister - it was such a treat!!

5. ROAD TRIP to the NORTH!!  I will just say - it was so much fun!  I'm going to save this for a separate post :)

So many more things and thoughts to post!  But I will end on that...for now!!

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The House

Every time I walk to my bedroom, I look in the room that used to be my grandmother's bedroom.  I look for her bed and her laying in it ...