Thursday, May 27, 2010

Letter to Me

Some of you might be familiar with the song with the same title as this blog post. A few years ago, Brad Paisley released a sweet and reminiscent song about what a person would say to their younger self if they could. After teaching seniors this semester, it got me thinking. What would I say to myself coming into high school? That was TEN years ago! Holy crap! I'm having my seniors do this same assignment. They've made it through 4 years...what would they change if they could talk to their freshman selves? I decided to do the assignment first. Here is what I would say to my 14 year old self:

“Letter to Me”
Coley Barrier – May 27th, 2010

Dear (14 year old) Coley,

I have some years on you. 10 to be exact. I’m shocked at the knowledge that a decade has brought me. You were just coming into the millennium and now we’re ending the first decade of it. I’m also shocked at how little I knew and how much can happen in a matter of 10 years. You will go through a lot of things. Things you love…things you hate…things that make you laugh…things that make you cry. Your journey will have you both meet and lose people. The lessons will sometimes be hard, but know this…they’re always worth learning from.

First – STOP worrying so much! I still worry, but I have it under control…kind of. I wish that I could go back and worry less. You worry about your appearance, about what other people think, what the future is going to bring you. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life it’s that everything works out in the end, and if it doesn’t…it’s not the end.

Second – don’t be afraid to make friends. You are going to make so many friends in life. There will be a group of girls that bring such happiness to your life, but you can’t be afraid to go out there and make friends. Don’t cling to a couple people, go out there. Have fun, don’t be so afraid.

And there is so much more. I know that life right now is uncertain and scary. Honestly, it kind of stays that way. But the lessons that you learn are worth knowing. Enjoy every minute of high school and college. Learn from your teachers. Take notes, not just on the subject, but when they talk about life. They’re valuable lessons. Ask lots of questions. You’ll miss so much from these places when you leave them. Make memories and hold them close to your heart.

Life is hard, but it’s worth it in the end. It is always worth it. The hard times will make you stronger. The sad times will make you value the happy times. The tears will make you appreciative of the laughs. Cherish memories. Stop worrying. Sit on the beach and breathe in the air. Invest in a good camera. Watch where you’re going…especially in cars. Love your family, especially Megan. She’s your sister and the best link to the craziness that can be your family, plus she’s an awesome person. Go hug Aunt Lynne. Swim at Melissa’s pool and learn all you can from her. Pay attention to the beauty in life. Pay attention to the big and small things, and for heaven’s sake, pay attention in English IV!!

From a wise 24 year old,

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