Monday, April 6, 2015

Weight Check In #3

As of yesterday, I've been on this health journey for three months...and some days, it feels more like three years.  However, I've been overwhelmed with love and support.  For that, I am so thankful.  I am encompassed with kind words of encouragement and letters/texts with confidence boosters.  I couldn't do this without my incredible circle of support.

I didn't quite reach my 8 lb goal this month, which frustrates me, but I'm trying to channel that frustration into determination.  This month, I'm going to set my goal at 6 lbs and hope for more like 8 lbs.

Quick notes from the third month:

  • I've been a little more adventurous in my workout routine.  I've tried a couple classes that I would have been terrified of before!  I took at "Cardio Interval" class where I thought I might die.  Then, I took a "Butts and Guts" class and was positive I was going to die.  BUT, I did not.  Good news, people.  I still LOVE yoga and Zumba.  I go to each of those once a week and really enjoy it.  I've also done the elliptical/treadmill thing...I just get so bored!  I prefer classes way more than just stationary machines.  
  • I've been SLIGHTLY more adventurous with eating and trying things.  Still enjoy a salad with chicken at lunch and chicken breast is a staple most weeks.  
  • CHEAT MEAL IS LIFE.  I was cautious when I talked about cheat meals with my cousin...personal coach.  When you've been addicted to food, you worry about not just falling off the wagon, but jumping off and getting trampled.  However, I've learned not to go crazy, but enjoy the treats that accompany cheat day.  I will say, sometimes it is NOT worth it.  There have been a couple Saturdays where my stomach rebelled against the treats and retaliated in a not-so-kind way.
  • I'm still frustrated that I haven't gone down a pants size, my hips are holding strong.  UGH.
  • However, it has been nice for other clothes to feel loose.  That's super duper nice.
  • Anxiety is still a staple in my weight life.  "Is this going to make me gain all my weight back?"  "Should I eat this?"  "Do they see a difference?" "Am I working out enough?" "Will I ever fit into those jeans?"  So on and so forth.  I'm trying to squish the thoughts with positivity, but sometimes they win.  I just try to close my ears to those little buggers and not listen so closely.
  • One of the greatest accomplishments was crossing the finish line in my first 5K.  Now, I certainly did not run it, but I briskly walked and was happy I made it through and that was great for me!
TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS (3 months) - 26 lbs
GOAL FOR MONTH - 6 lbs (32 lbs)

1 comment:

mombarrier said...

So proud of u babe! Keep it up. I'm trying myself. It is hard. No sweets is the hardest.

The House

Every time I walk to my bedroom, I look in the room that used to be my grandmother's bedroom.  I look for her bed and her laying in it ...