Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Teacher Appreciation

This is actually part of a post I wrote several years ago.  I wanted to add to it and spruce it up a little in honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week.  If you know a teacher, thank him/her.  If you love a teacher (or live with one), bless your heart - you probably have to live with the crazy.  Here is part of the original post, but with a bit of an update/change here and there.

In honor of those who taught me, loved me, and put up with me....

Teachers are some of the most important people who have passed through my life.  When you stop and think about it, students spend more time with their teachers than they do with their family on any given day.  My teachers had a crucial role in shaping the person that I am today.  I still count many of my past teachers as my confidants, mentors, and role models today.  Sometimes, I don't think teachers realize the immense impact they have on their students' lives.

I wonder...

Does Mrs. Hairfield know that I still remember her "Pound Puppy" curtains and the way she made me feel calm after I got lost on my first day of kindergarten?  Does she know she was the one who first taught me to love learning and to share with others?  Two of the most important things ever...and two things I still value (and need) today.

Does Mrs. Rhodes know that she is one of the reasons I became a teacher?  I still remember her signing her letters with x's and o's and because of that, I have always remembered her sweet kindness.  Does she know I still sing "Up on the Rooftop" at Christmas and always think of her?  Her classroom is one that always lingers in my memory.  It was so warm, inviting, and cozy.  She always did and still does make me feel so special and loved.

Does Ms. Boughman know that I still remember writing a creative story and her reading it out loud?  I felt so proud because she thought it was that good.  She is one of the reasons I love to write creatively today.

Does Miss Ennis know that I still consider her one of my life role models?  That because she was so kind to me and let me help her everyday after school, it made me want to become a teacher myself?  I still remember her reading to us and letting me help her decorate her room for Christmas.  She made a very awkward and shy girl feel so loved and valued.  Her smile, kindness, and incredibly beautiful writing continues to stay with me.

Does Mrs. Lawson know that she made me realize teachers could teach new things, but also have a divine sense of humor?  That my favorite days in her class were the afternoons we would push all the desks to the side and sit in a big circle and sing silly songs?

Does Mrs. Causby, Mrs. Pieto, Ms. New, Mrs. Evans, and Mrs. Hodges know that they helped me get through those incredibly awkward middle school years and make them bearable?  Their love and wisdom were always guiding lights during the beginning of hard school years.

When I think of high school, I think of these three women.  They shaped me more than I could ever write in a million posts.  I kid you not, when I think about all they have done to impact my life, it brings tears to my eyes.  They are the reason I teach high school, and they are the reason I truly care and value what I do for students.

Does Mrs. Hasty know that I think of her every single time a student comes to me with a problem, and I feel like I can honestly be there for them?  That she taught me teaching is a job where you can really be there for your students and show them that you care.  She made me feel so loved and appreciated.  She loved me when I didn't love myself.  She took the risk of calling me out when she saw something wrong with me and knew I trusted her enough to do that.  I might not remember every Spanish verb she taught me, but I remember that she gave me "snacky-poos" in the afternoon while helping her, made me laugh, and made me feel like I was an important person.

Does Mrs. Vaughn know that I still look at and read the prayer she emailed me my first day of teaching?  That I still think she is one of the smartest and wisest women I have ever met?  That I feel so fortunate she was the one who taught my teacher cadet class?  Her love for her students, her kind words, and her genuine compassion for her career made the biggest impression on me.  When I was heartbroken over not getting Teaching Fellows, her letter gave me the words of love and wisdom I needed to hear.  She is truly, truly one of the most remarkable educators I have ever met...I feel SO blessed to have been in her class.

And my dear, sweet Mrs. McKinney.  My life mentor and friend.  The woman who pretty much got me where I am in teaching today.  Does she know that I shape my lessons after her?  I know I can be funny and serious all in one classroom?  That her having me read The Awakening led to my own "awakening" in realizing I wanted to be an English teacher?  That she still shapes my life, and I still look to her for advice, help, love, and support?  She will always be someone I call on to ask for any and everything.  I know that she will always be there for me...through good times and rough times.

All these women hold a piece a piece of my heart.  They all shaped me and helped form the person and teacher I am today.  When I walk into my classroom, I carry a piece of them with me.  They helped me realize that it's not just about the curriculum, but really caring about the students in your classroom.  I learned to read, write, add, count, look, share, be a good person, and appreciate everything around me.  They are some of the best people I know.

Many of these women are still in the classroom and if I'm honest, I'm a little jealous of their students.  They are some lucky individuals.  My hope is that I am an iota of the teacher they were to me.  I still feel blessed by their role in my life, and I hope they know how much I appreciate them.  I will forever be indebted to the love and wisdom they bestowed upon me.  And a kudos to the other teachers in my life: my past and current colleagues, my first teacher...my momma and my best friends who teach.  I have learned from all of you.

Everyone needs a good teacher in their life.  I'm so glad I have had so many amazing ones!

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