Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Learning Lessons Everyday

It is hard to believe that I’ve taught for 3 weeks, a little more if we’re being technical. Some days have been really good, but some days haven’t been so good. I know it’s all just getting used to this new life.

I thought I’d put together a list of the things I’ve learned so far in this journey of teaching/new life. It’s crazy what I’ve learned, and I also know it’s just the beginning. There is so much more to learn. There’s so much more to teach, to understand, to hear, and to learn. You have to understand that there is a part of teaching that is teaching, but teaching is also learning.

So…here are some things I’ve learned.

1) Grammar is the hardest thing to teach…especially when you didn’t pay attention when they went over it in elementary school. (I think that’s the last time I learned anything about nouns and pronouns)

2) Doves can be brown. Seriously…I never knew that, some of my students that hunt taught me that. And…I can tell you when dove season begins as well.

3) Students love a good joke or little story. It’s like their little eyes light up when I say, 'that reminds me...'. Haha, it’s probably just because I’m taking a break from class, but they also seem to enjoy the ‘life-connection’.

4) E-mails from friends are so wonderful to read when you’ve had a long day of teaching.

5) Though friends can be far apart, true friends are never far in heart. (So I totally stole that…but it’s a really good quote)

6) No matter how old you are, you will always miss your momma.

7) One student can make your day when a light bulb goes off in their head and they ‘get it’.

8) Students do NOT like when you make a mistake.

9) Teaching is hard, but something tells me it’s worth it.

10) The in betweens in life are hard. Learning to live by yourself and be in a classroom by yourself is hard. But, life is a lesson, we just have to remember to learn from it.

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