Sunday, September 7, 2008

In the beginning...

There are few things in life that I am certain of. However, one of them is that the first week for a beginning teacher is ROUGH! Tomorrow begins week 3 and it’s really hard to believe!

In some ways these past couple of weeks has flown by, in other ways they’ve crept by so slowly I wonder if I’m going to make it out alive. There have been many challenges, lots of stress, upset stomachs, and lots of pondering as to if I’ve made the right decision. The change from student teaching to full time teaching has been difficult. First of all, I went from traditional schedule (6 pds, 52 min.) to block schedule (4 periods, 90 min.). 90 minutes is a very long time! Also, I’m teaching a different grade than want I student taught, so learning a new level has been interesting. It’s all very different.

But, with bad, there is always good too. The English dept is absolutely amazing. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive, kind, and caring group of people to work with. The faculty and administration in general are awesome. Very nice, very positive and they provide a great atmosphere to work in. I have enjoyed getting to know everybody and trying meeting new people.

Teaching is a profession that is multi-layered. If any teacher is reading this, I’m sure they are nodding their head in agreement. It’s not just ‘being a teacher’. It’s being responsible, being professional, being supportive, being a cheerleader for your students, and being flexible, it’s being able to give up parts of your life, basically - it’s a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I like it, well learning to like it, but it’s been a tough adjustment. My life has changed; I’m getting out of the college student life and starting to fill the shoes of a REAL adult! I grade papers, call the ones I love, make lesson plans, and go to bed! It’s been an adjustment for sure!

I know that it’s going to get easier, and I also know that it’s going to be worth it. I have amazing people standing by me and I couldn’t do it without them. As with anything, the beginning is hard. I remember my freshman year of college and how amazingly difficult the first months were, but I learned to cope, and I will do the same with this new transition.

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The House

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