Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Time Thoughts

I have been meaning to sit down and blog for the past month.  At the beginning of summer I always think that I'm going to catch up on so many things.  I'm going to finally finish those 3 books I'm in the middle of, I'm going to update the blog, put some new material on my teaching blog, plan tons of lessons, and get all those pesky lines on my to-do list marked off.

Alas, I haven't done hardly any of the above mentioned things.  Instead, I've held babies, watched my nephew take his first steps, have surprise sleepovers with friends, cookout with my parents, spend time with best friends who I never get to see during the school year, and read blogs.

You know what?  I'm okay with it.

I spend so much time listing things to do on this endless list.  I always put stuff that needs to be done down, but rarely do I put down the things that I want to do.  I never write, "giggle with Brooks" or "splash water with Thad".  I forget to jot down, "visit your grandmother" and "go spend some time outside".

I have one month 'til my students start school again.  I've missed them and my routine, but I'm really going to miss waking up and walking into the sounds of one of my favorite little guys.  I'm going to miss watching whole seasons of series on Netflix.  The busy will be back before I know it, so for the time being...I'm going to take it easy, decorate my classroom, get some more baby snuggles, and just "be".

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The House

Every time I walk to my bedroom, I look in the room that used to be my grandmother's bedroom.  I look for her bed and her laying in it ...