Sunday, April 19, 2009


The "first year teacher count" is just about up. I have been at this gig for almost 9 months! I can't believe it! It's been a rollercoaster ride! Everyday still presents it's own set of challenges, I pray for sanity on a daily basis, but also try to take a lesson from each day I teach. I do this "take out" thing with my students. At the end of everyday they have to list one thing they've learned, I do the same thing. I try to "take out" one thing I've learned about myself or from them each day.

In non-job news, my life has been pretty normal. I had a wonderful Spring Break in California. Casey and I went to visit her sister in Santa Monica. Wonderful trip, beautiful weather. I'll make a separate post for that trip. I know I haven't been the best about keeping the blog up to date, I really have no excuses other than I just don't think about it! I'm working on it.

I'm looking forward to the end of the school year and to not be labeled as a 'first year teacher'. May is a busy month (it always seems to be) and I'm looking forward to making visits, see graduations, and then summer will be here!

Hope to keep this more updated!

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The House

Every time I walk to my bedroom, I look in the room that used to be my grandmother's bedroom.  I look for her bed and her laying in it ...