Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Getting Old...Grr

I was getting my daily dose of Buzzfeed - seriously awesome site if you don't already visit it - and I came across a list that hit just a little too close to home.

30 Signs You're Almost 30....



Holy crap.

The list was chock full of examples of my life.  OH MY GOSH.  For example:

#12. You're seriously thinking about getting a dog. No, having a baby. No, definitely getting a dog.

This is my daily internal drama!  Granted having the whole husband thing would be helpful, but still.  I know that there are 27 year olds who are like, heck no, I don't want kids!  Well, I DO.  Or a dog.  No, a kid.  I don't know.

#20. Running hurts your knees. The elliptical hurts your knees.  Everything hurts.

Sad day.  Now, if I actually exercised, this would be a more relevant rant, but I go for a light jog walk, and my body aches the next day.  I walk up three flights of stairs and have to do the whole hands on the knees and breath move.  Let's not even talk about ice skating.  My whole entire body hurt for a week after I did that a couple years ago.  DANCING HURTS!  WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?  I danced at prom, busted a few moves, jumped around, and the next day it hurt to bend down and pick up my shoes.  I mean, seriously.

#22. You buy shoes based on comfort.

(And let me add - price).  There is no time for those cute high heels.  Ah, I remember buying cute wedges, then I fell THREE times in my classroom wearing them...no time for that ish.  Also, do my students care?  No, therefore, what is the point?  I see them more than I see my family.  I'm not buying uncomfortable shoes for them.  I will be buying cushy, supportive, nice shoes that will last me a year and most importantly get me through the day.

#26. You get really excited about lame stuff, like low interest rates.

Maybe not low interest rates, but the thought of paying off my car in a few months gives me more happiness than a whole plate of Mexican.

There are so many more.  It's hard growing up and coming to terms with the fact that you're getting older.  I bought a pill organizer yesterday.  A PILL ORGANIZER.  Sheesh.  Target used to be about getting cute shoes, now it's about getting pill organizers and the right pens for my classroom.

There are pluses though.  My friends are having babies and they have cute houses and apartments for me to visit.  We don't have to sleep on floors anymore; we have guest rooms.  Our backs may hurt, but they are supported.  And I have amazing friends.  Friends that have seen me through this whole awkward 20's thing.  I want these to be exciting years, and I'm adding fun to the old :)

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