Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy 1 Month, Rex!


You will never know how much light and love you have brought to your family.  Everyone is in constant wonder at how a tiny baby can bring so much love to hearts.  You have made my heart expand with love and appreciation for life.

I have been able to spend the past few days with you and your mommy.  You both amaze me with how effortlessly life has become with a new little addition.  My favorite thing to do is to hold and rock you.  It's a good thing Grammy wasn't there because we would have had to fight over who got to hold you!  She constantly says her favorite thing to do now is to just hold you and gaze at you...I can't blame her.

You cuddle right up when you're tired and put your little hands under your chin to rest peacefully.  You make the most content sounds and movements.  My friend, Caro, has been in baby heaven getting to hold you.  She likes to rock and sway you to sleep.  Her face is priceless when you are laying on her chest!

Your mom is a rock star.  Truly, motherhood has been a graceful transition for her.  I know the non-sleep is hard, but when she holds and feeds you, there is nothing but pure love as she gazes into your eyes.  Your dad is pretty awesome, too.  He likes to lay you over his legs and talk to you.  They're incredible parents.

One month has flown by so quickly!  I can't wait to see you grow and get bigger, though I do love how cuddly you are right now!  You are the apple of all of our eyes, and we simply adore you.

Here are some of my fave pics from the past month:

I love you, Thaddeus Rex!  You are the light of my life and truly a blessing to this family.  I can't wait to visit and snuggle with you again soon!

All my love,
Auntie Coco

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