Friday, May 17, 2013

Growing Up...and Learning to Deal

"At that age where she's figured out that living pretty much happens no matter what you're doing, so it might as well be fun." - StoryPeople

For the past few weeks...okay month...I've been grumbling about turning the big 2-7.  Now, when I tell this to people over 27 they immediately say, "Oh stop!  That's so young!  Wait 'til you're my age!"  I know it's not that old, but it's still really, really close to 30.

I can't help but see the irony in this whole growing up thing.  A child spends his or her whole young life waiting to do this or that.  Itching to become just a little bit older so they can reach this or that specific realm of freedom.  Then before that little child realizes it - THEY'RE TURNING 27!  What.  The.  Crap.

I have a bounty of blessing.  I'm so blessed with incredibly wonderful people in my life.  And, for the most part, I like where I am in life.  But...(and isn't there always a but?) there are so many things left to accomplish in my life.

I want to get married.
I want to have children.
I want to travel more.
I want to love more.
I want to learn to have less anxiety.
I want to be a better person.

I suppose the lovely thing about life is that there's still more of it.  Now, of course you should carpe diem and all that jazz, but still, I think we get so wrapped up in all the things we "haven't done" and stop to think about the things we "have" done.  (NOTE TO SELF: LISTEN TO SELF)

I am happy with the things I've done.  In 27 years, I've:

Traveled across the country to Cali.  Dipped my toes in the Pacific ocean. Drank a margarita on the shores of Mexico beside my best friend.  Climbed rocks in Joshua Tree. Walked on the Golden Gate Bridge.  Rode across the Atlantic and viewed the majesty of Spain.  Watched foreign religious parades with eyes agape in wonder.Walked through ancient castles.  Stood beside my best friends as they marry the loves of their lives.  Taught amazing kids.  Obtained a college degree.  Heard incredible singers perform.  Made cakes with my grandmother.  Held amazing, tiny babies - truly one of God's most precious miracles.  Stood amazed at the vast sea.  Laughed with best friends.  Been tucked in by an amazing mom.  Learned lessons.

So much more.  That's a lot of dang carpe diem.  So, I shouldn't be sad about 27.  No, I haven't accomplished as much as I want to, but the beauty of life is that there's still time.

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