Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Becoming an Auntie

When my sister called and told me that she was pregnant, I was taken aback with a lot of emotions.  It took awhile for it to sink in that I was really going to be an aunt, and more importantly, my little sister is going to be a mom.

I'm not a mother, so I haven't experienced what it's like to have your own child.  However, this is probably as close as I'll get for awhile.  It's hard to believe how much you love a little being that isn't even here yet!  I already want to buy clothes, plan sleepovers, and get special "auntie" things!  I asked my friend, Em, yesterday if that ever goes away, she most assuredly answered with a hearty no!

Seeing all my best friends become aunts has been a magical experience.  My friend, Lindsey, and I are both getting to be aunts really close to each other!  My other friends all have nieces and nephews they dote on, and it's so much fun to see their roles change.  I've been fortunate enough to have my little cousin, Stevie, to love on, so I'm happy that my family gets more little ones to spoil!

My favorite thing I've gotten so far is the "Build-a-Bear" dog.  Megan and I were both given our favorite stuffed animal by our aunt, so I found it only fitting that I needed to get the baby his or her animal!  I tried to make it gender neutral, but I felt like the dog was perfect because Megan has her first big baby, Lois Lane!  I got a matching onesie that says, "I Love My Puppy".  I absolutely can't wait to meet that sweet little baby!!

Meet "Woofy" :)

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