Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Birthday Bliss

April is the month of birthdays!  I have already celebrated a couple birthdays and there's still a couple more to go!  I tried to figure out what was 9 months before April...July?  Celebrating the 4th with some lovin'?!  I'm just kidding....

Anywho, we started with a dinner to celebrate my dear friends, Kelly and Lindsey.  Kelly's birthday was Saturday and Lindsey's is Tuesday.  They're our April babies in the group, so we always get to celebrate 2 at once!  All of us happened to be in Raleigh (which is truly shocking given our locations on the map), so we decided to celebrate with dinner.  We went to this really cool place in Cary called Tribeca Tavern.  It was delicious!

The best part was being together and getting to finally catch up and talk.  Having a group of 7 is so much fun, but also hard because it's rare that we're all in the same place at the same time.  We didn't get too sad saying goodbye because we're getting together again over Memorial Day for the beach!!  Here are a few pics from Saturday:

Birthday Girls!  Kelly's is on the 13th and Linds' on the 16th

Carrie and Em

Case and Me

We found college themed mints!  (Boomer was upset that they didn't have Wake Forest)

The girls!  We were happy that Kelly's friend Andrea could come and celebrate with us!!

Best friends.

On Sunday, I went to Casey's sister's apartment and celebrated Zoey's birthday.  Zoey is Casey's niece and I remember like it was yesterday flying out to California to meet her when she was just 6 weeks old!  She's grown into such a lovely, sweet girl!  I was so thrilled to see Case's family and celebrate this special day!  Zoey's actual birthday is today - so, Happy Bday, Zoey!!  

Two more birthdays coming up this week.  Carolyn's is on Friday and Angela's is Sunday.  I also wish these two very special women a happy birthday.  They mean the world to me, and I don't know where I'd be in this teaching world (and otherwise) without them!

Whew!  Lots of birthday love!!!

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The House

Every time I walk to my bedroom, I look in the room that used to be my grandmother's bedroom.  I look for her bed and her laying in it ...