Tuesday, April 30, 2013


"God can dream a bigger dream for me, for you, that you could ever dream for yourself.  When you've worked as hard and done as much and strived and tried and given and pled and bargained and hoped...surrender.  When you have done all that you can do and there's nothing left for you to do, give it up. Give it up to that thing that is greater than yourself, and let it become a part of the flow." -Oprah

I was watching Oprah once and she had Faith Hill on.  She told Faith that she had heard her singing "I Surrender All" in the dress rehearsal and proceeded to tell her why she loved the song so much.  "'I Surrender All' is one of my favorite songs. ...and it lives in my spirit because I try to surrender everything - I surrender my life, I surrender my doings, I surrender my experiences - because I know that God can dream a bigger dream than we can dream for ourselves..."  (continued in above quote).

As she said this and then Faith began to sing, I was stilled.  I just sat there with tears rolling down red cheeks and thought, yes...yes, this is exactly what I needed to hear.

It's so hard to surrender.  To give up all that worries us.  To give up that hold, that control, that anxiety.  I want desperately to be able to just surrender.  When I read those words from Oprah, I finally know why I need to.  Why I should.  Moreover, why I have to surrender.

By holding on, I'm keeping all of this negativity, stress, and anxiety within myself.  What good is this doing?  God is in control and has this grand plan for me that I can't see.  But, ohh, how that kills a control freak like myself.  I don't want to surrender, God!  I don't want to let go!  What if it hurts?  What if doesn't work?  What if I can't do it?

So what.

So what?

So what!

The dream is bigger.  God is bigger.  Surrendering allows yourself to give it up and like Oprah said, it becomes "apart of the flow".  That beautiful flow that life gives us.  It ebbs...it flows...but, God, He never wavers.  He never leaves.  So, surrendering it all to Him, you become free!  You've (I've) done all you (I) can...now GIVE. IT. UP.  SURRENDER.

"All to Jesus I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all;
I surrender all;
All the Thee, my precious Savior,
I surrender all."

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