Thursday, November 3, 2011


I have neglected my blog...again.  I don't know why it is so hard for me to find consistency within the world of blogging.  This has been, without a doubt, the busiest school year I have ever had.  So, I could blame my lack of blogs on that...we'll go with that!  I feel like I've been in a tailspin.  I've been confused and lost and not sure of where to go or what to do.  The quarter-life crisis hasn't quite made it out of my system.

I was on the phone with my friend, Linds, the other night and as I was talking to her, I realized something.  As crazy as my school/professional life has been, my friends and family have been such a constant in my life.  They have been my rocks.  The ones I turn to, cry to, ramble on to...they've been there.  All this made me realize that I do, indeed, have a lot to be thankful for.  Since this is the month of thankfulness...I thought I could blog about it.  It'll also give me more of a focus for writing, something I for sure need.  I've stolen this idea from a few friends on facebook, but I think it's great.  Express why you're so thankful, cause as crazy as it gets, life has much in it to be thankful for.  My blessings are abound.  They are plentiful and many.

I figure some posts will have a few, some will be focused, some will be short, and some long.  But, I hope that through this I will be reminded of the blessed life I live.  I get so down and frustrated with things that it's hard to see through it to the light. The light is what keeps me going.  Even the darkest times, the times when I don't think there is any light to be seen, there are people and things that offer that.  I hope to convey that through this next series of posts.

So, shall we begin?

I'm a little behind, so we'll start BROAD with 3 things I am currently thankful for...

1. Music - I should make this it's own post.  I am currently in a book funk...shocking, I'm an English major and teacher!  I've just been in a lull...but, I have been a music JUNKIE!  There have been so many good albums and songs that have just been released.  Music is very healing and therapeutic for me.  It brings me up when I'm down.  It brings me inspiration.  It beings me life.  I'm currently in LOVE with music source called Spotify.  You can download it and then listen to THOUSANDS of songs for free (and whole albums!).  So when you're on a teacher's budget like me, but love good music, it's AWESOME!  My new favorite albums currently in rotation are: Kelly Clarkson's new cd (Stronger), Lady Antebellum's latest album (Own the Night), Miranda Lambert's new cd (Four the Record) - also dig the play on words - and Coldplay's new cd (Mylo Xyloto).  I recommend all.  And I definitely recommend Spotify.  Amazing.

2. Fall Weather - You can ask any of my friends, I am NOT a cold weather fan, but I do love fall.  I love getting out blankets, driving and seeing the beautiful trees, and the smell in the air.  I treasure this time in season, so peaceful and nice.

3. Daily Devotionals - Sometime last year my friend, Caroline, introduced me to a daily devotional called "Stillspeaking Devotional".  It comes to my e-mail every morning and I try to read it before I start teaching.  Some days it is like God inspired the writer to write something that speaks just for me.  They are wonderful ways to start the day and take a minute to just sit back and reflect with God.  I definitely recommend it.

Those are three things I am currently thankful for.  I didn't want to get too 'deep' on the first post.  More to come.


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