Friday, March 1, 2013

When It All Comes Crashing Down

If all my good fortune ended
If my whole world came tumbling down
And suddenly everything I'm sure of
Came crashing to the ground
My worst fears all came true
If I lost every dream I ever knew

You would be the faith that carries me
You would show me the grace to make me see the truth
Whatever storm I fly into
All I really need to get me through is you
-Sara Evans "You"

I had the best conversation with my friend this morning. (This morning being two mornings ago - ah, I got sidetracked!)  We talked about the weight of worry, the problems with needing accolades, and just the general anxiety that comes with life.  She really put a lot into perspective for me.  I had a HUGE "ah-ha" moment while we were talking.

We talked about huge events in our lives making us stop and realize what we have.  I realized that if everything was gone, my job, my money, my home, and other material possessions, I would still have my family and friends.  If I were stricken with a disease or something major happen with my health, my family and friends would still love me.  They would be there and take care of me.  More than that, I know that God wouldn't leave me.

So why do I worry?  Why do I let the weight of anxiety and the deep desire to please others carry me down into such despair?  As I was trying to fall asleep last night, all of this came crashing down. All the worry, all the pain, all the thoughts.  It was an intense moment, but one where I realized that God is so much bigger than I am.  I stretched out my arms and begged God to take it.  Take it all.  He's there. If it all went away, not only would I have incredible people to stand with me, I would also have God to hold me up and keep me strong.

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